I hope you enjoyed 'Everything is Figuroutable' by Marie Forleo if you were reading along last month - I've loved sharing our thoughts in our small but perfectly formed FB group. Come and join in if you haven't already :)
There is literally no pressure - you can dip in and out as you fancy and read as much or as little as you want. Why not join the group and see where it takes you?
Onwards for Feb from one inspiring female voice to another...
So many of you mentioned the Happy Place podcast as your favourite listen, that we couldn't not have Fearne's new book as the Feb book club #BOTM.
It's currently in the top ten (in the UK, anyway) so should be very easy to pick up a copy along with your groceries, I grabbed a copy yesterday (even the teeny Sainsbury in Wareham had it in stock).
Or...if you don't have time to read you can always download the Audiobook and turn cleaning the bathroom or doing the ironing into pleasure rather than a chore! (Seriously a gamechanger - if you don't do this already, you have to try it)
Who's up for this one then..!? I hope many of you will read along and share your thoughts and insights
Happy Reading!
Lucy xx
